Food dudes and data dudes: procedural improvements in evidencing the outcomes of behaviour change interventions


  • L. McWilliams
  • M. Erjavec
  • P. Horne


Background: The Food Dudes Programmes are school-based behaviour change interventions that produce meaningful improvements in the diets of children in nursery and primary classes. Method: As part of Programme rollouts in hundreds of UK schools and in controlled evaluations of the effectiveness of the Food Dudes, food consumption data are collected in classrooms and dining halls to evidence changes in children's eating habits over time. What went wrong: School staff often failed to keep accurate paper records and evaluators likewise struggled with pen-and-paper measures because of busy school schedules, number of schools participating and the chaotic nature of the dining hall environments. Possible solutions: Training school staff to use an online data capture system can improve compliance and accuracy of school records; digital photography can be used to assess positive changes to nutritional content of foods that children consume at lunchtime that result from the Food Dudes. Conclusions: Consumption measures and feedback to schools can be improved by sensitive application of technology and appropriate engagement of staff, causing minimal disruption to the classroom and dining hall.





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