Reporting of Group-based Behavioural Interventions: a Checklist and Tool for Assessing the Quality of Descriptions


  • A. Borek
  • C. Abraham
  • J. Smith
  • M. Tarrant
  • C. Greaves


Background: Comprehensive reporting of group interventions is important for comparing effectiveness, identifying ‘active ingredients’ and replicating interventions. Since group interventions are often inadequately described we developed a checklist for improving reporting. Methods: Based on a review of group-based interventions, and using pre-specified criteria, we identified elements that constitute the minimum content of a good description. Two authors independently coded 55 reports of different types of group interventions, and reliability statistics were calculated. A coding manual was developed to facilitate using the checklist. Findings: The checklist comprises 26 reporting elements related to intervention design, content, participants and facilitators. Inter-rater reliability was acceptable (91% agreement, Kappa=0.82). The frequency and quality of reporting varied considerably, and examples of comprehensive and insufficient reporting will be presented. Discussion: Our checklist can be used alongside other reporting guidelines to ensure comprehensive reporting of group-based health interventions. It can be also used to assess reporting quality.






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