Occupational and psychological determinants of health-protective behavior: age aspect


  • M. Petrash


Health is the most important condition of active human life. The concept Health-related behaviors include diet, exercise, smoking, alcohol use, safety practices and participation in health screening examinations (Fishbein et al.). We conducted a study to explore the relationship between parameters of professional development, psychological factors and health-protective behavior of students and professionals. Our aim was to study the parameters of professional development, psychological factors and health-protective behavior in different age groups. We expected that in group of students there will be a greater number of predictors of health-protective behavior. Participants: 140 persons were allocated into 2 groups: student (aged of 18 to 20 years) and professionals (aged of 23 to 48 years). Methods: survey specifically designed for studying the health-protective behavior; questionnaire "Factors of professional development", “SF-36 Health Status Survey†(SF-36); Big five personality test. Using regression analysis, we have shown that predictors of health-protective behavior among students were factors of professional activity: recover and self-control of behavior; psychological factors: conscientiousness and openness to experience; factors of quality of life: General Health, Physical Functioning, Social Functioning, Mental Health. Such characteristics as: recover; openness to experience and Mental Health were predictors of health-protective behavior of the professionals. Our study proved that the parameters for professional and psychological determinants are manifested differently in the structure of health-protective behavior in different age groups. Supported by RFH project 16-06-00315a.





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