Information Needs and Psychological Factors Among Patients With Coronaropathy


  • E. Cappelletti
  • M. D'Addario
  • M. Sarini
  • A. Greco
  • L. Pancani
  • M. E. Magrin
  • M. Miglioretti
  • L. Vecchio
  • M. Scrignaro
  • P. Steca


Background: Studies on chronic diseases have underlined the need for personalized healthcare, taking into account patients’ characteristics and needs to support proactive health management. Our study aimed to explore the priorities and the correlates of information needs among patients with coronaropathy. Method: 357patients with acute myocardial infarction or acute coronary syndrome completed an assessment questionnaire. Descriptive analyses were conducted to identify information needs; path analysis were conducted to explore the relationship between needs and psychological factors. Findings: The key information need was for a full understanding of the disease. Positive coping strategies were positively associated with need for information on pharmacological treatment and pathology while negative association were found with information on distress management; non adaptive coping strategies were positively related to distress management information. Anxiety was positively associated with information on distress management and risks and complications. Discussion: The comprehension of patients’ information needs and correlates could strongly improve the quality of disease management.






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